3 tips to stop overthinking instantly
We all will find ourselves overthinking almost every day, and it is completely normal, we shouldn't judge ourselves for it, but sometimes it goes overboard and we just want the suffering to end. Below are the 3 tips which were a complete game changer for me:- 1. CHANGE THE MEANING This works like magic, so the only thing you have to do when you find yourself getting drained in those negative thoughts is to ask yourself what meaning are you putting on the situation you are overthinking about. For example:- if you are getting tensed about a particular situation not working out in your life, ask yourself, what if this happened for a reason (to teach you something) - to make you more strong as a person. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise, after all, you don't know what God is protecting you from. AND the moment you change the meaning you attach to a situation, your suffering will end. 2. TOO MUCH IMPORTANCE Most of the time when we are overthinking we are giving too much impor...